Friday, November 9, 2018



Preposition Definition:Preposition  are words which are used to placed before the noun or pronoun or thing or stuff .
Types of Prepositions

(a) Preposition of place : Preposition which express relationship in place or space. Upon,Across ,In, On, Over, Into,. etc are all prepositions of place

(b)  Prepositions of time: It expresses the relation in time .. for example Alex reached airport before me.
"After, before, till, until, etc are preposition of time,

(c) Prepositions  maybe simple as, form, by ,in , for , to etc
(d) Prepositions may also be compound . for example , made of two words as  'Outside' (Out+side) 'inside' (in+side), within (with+in) Upto (UP+to)
(e) There are also prepositions of Agency of instrumentality, of Measure,  of Manner, of Possession , of Direction, of Cause, etc. For example

  1.  I write with a pencil (agency or instrument)
  2. Learn this poem by heart. ( manner )
  3. He died of high fever ( cause)
The noun or pronoun which comes after the preposition is called its object in the above given examples 'table' is the object of 'on' and 'me' is the object of 'before'
(f)  There are also Prepositional Phrases, as in the following

  1. The school is in front of my home.
  2. He passed on account of hard work.
(g)  There are also Particle prepositions, considering regarding respecting touching etc. For example.
  1. Considering the circumstances , the thief was freed.
Preposition rules
Rule No 1 : As a general rule, a preposition is placed before a noun or a pronoun but in the following cases it is placed at the end of a sentence.
(a)  The preposition is always placed at the end of a sentence. if its object is the Relative Pronoun 'that' as.
1- here is the watch that you asked for . 2. This is the book he talked of.
(b) The preposition is placed at the end , if its object is an Interrogative Pronoun, as
1- what are yo looking at ? 2- Which of these chairs did you sit on ?
(c) the preposition is placed at the end for the sake of emphasis as.
1- This I insist on. 2- He is known all the world over.
(d) With an infinitive of purpose, i,e with an infinitive qualifying some noun or pronoun and showing the purpose of that noun  or pronouns as,
1. Here  is a chair to sit on. 2- This is a pen to write with .3. Here is a cup to drink with.
Rule No 2 : 'In' is used for countries, cities and large places, 'at' is used fr small towns and villages
1- He lives in Karachi. 2 Frank in in New York. 3- He lives in great ch-apple near food street.
Rule No 3:'In' and 'at' are used in speaking of things at rest , 'To' and 'into' are used in speaking of things in motion.
1 - He is in bed. 2- She is at the top of the class
3- They ran to Mosque 4- He jumped into the pool.
Rule No 4: 'On' is used in speaking of things at rest 'upon' in speaking of things in motion.
1- We sit on a chair 2- The book is on the table. 3 The  cat jumped upon the table. 4- The pounced upon that rat.
Rule No 5: 'Between' is used in speaking of two; 'among' is use for more than two
1- The books were distributed among the students 2- The properly was divide between the two brothers.

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